WANTED: Digital Twin Developer

Job description

Talumis is a provider for simulation solutions since 2003. Over those years, simulation techniques have improved dramatically and the simple simulation models of the past have evolved into operational tools for many of our international clients.

To help us grow our client base and in technical know-how, we are looking for a “Digital twin” developer.

As a digital twin developer, you work on very different projects ranging from controlling a simulation model with external programs, to creating cloud applications that are used daily to optimize plans and schedules in many different environments.

We develop in C# and C++ using the Azure dev stack and using databases, animations, optimizing algorithms and web development techniques.

We are looking for applicants that like programming, but that are also curious and are genuinely interested in the complexity of our client’s systems, providing the best solutions for our clients. A university degree, living in the Netherlands, an EU residency and speaking English are a must.

Talumis is a small company, which means that you know what is going on and there is no overhead. We lunch together and give people the freedom to organize their work in the way they want. Salary is competitive and can include a company car.

Are you interested in working with state of the art techniques, being able to add your own know-how, learning from the other developers in a small team and have a lot of freedom, please contact us and mail your CV to steven.hamoen@talumis.com.